Made to Order Custom Noosa '66 9'3" - 9'7"
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Can't quite find the perfect stock board or none currently available? Get one Made to Order. Once you've checked out, one of our friendly sales staff will give you a call or email and talk through your order, as well as organise any freight or accessories you might need. We can ship to you (almost) anywhere in the world! Additional charges may apply if you're interested in custom art.Read more Read less
Can't quite find the perfect stock board or none currently available? Get one Made to Order. Once you've checked out, one of our friendly sales staff will give you a call or email and talk through... Read more Read less

We've been making this board for 50 years! As the name suggests, this is a straight out replica of the board I designed and honed on the Queensland points through the mid sixties, testing and riding with Russell Hughes and George Greenough. The board features a full rolled bottom, 50/50 rails, a tail-hippy template, and a flat rocker profile. We all love the Noosa 66 and it's been the one model that's had the beautiful cut-lap tints and heavier glassing going on forever. What a sweetheart! The prettiest board we make!


Egg rails
Super stable when walking the nose.

The most perfect log outline for over 50 years
The original log for hi-speed small wave trimming. Think Noosa.

Soft rolled bottom shape
Feels incredible as it rolls onto rail easily during transitions.